Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)? I’ve taken several research trips in order to incorporate as much realism as possible in all my books. My latest research trip was to Mexico, much of which I’m incorporating into the book I’m currently working on.
Can we expect any more books from you in the future? Yes. I’m currently working on book #6 in the Kate Jones Thriller series, and will work on book #7 after that. I hope to have book #3 in the Leine Basso series available by the end of the year.
Where do you see yourself in five years? Hopefully, still doing what I’m doing, with several more Leine Basso thrillers available, along with more Kate Jones. Maybe another couple of standalone novels, too.
What are some of the best tools available today for writers, especially those just starting out? There’s so much information online for new writers. I’m a contributing author at the supremely helpful blog Indies Unlimited. Their entire raison d’être is to help new indie authors navigate the ever-changing publishing landscape. There are several other helpful blogs about writing, grammar, structure, scene and sequel, characterization, promotion, you name it. I have a list on as well as on my blog, They’re not exhaustive by any means, but a good place to start.
What contributes to making a writer successful? Persistence and a thick skin. Belief in yourself and your ideas. The ability to engage in complete and utter denial. And, you really have to enjoy making stuff up.
Do you have any advice for writers? Write. Revise. Write. Revise. Take a writing class. Identify your weaknesses. We all have them. Then, find out a way to turn it into a strength. Becoming a good writer never ends. You’ll always be learning. Don’t get complacent. Always try to find new ways to express your ideas. Be open to change. Don’t write when you’re drunk, because if you find out you’re a better writer after a few drinks, then you’ll have to stay drunk to have a career. That can get expensive.
Buy Now @ Amazon & Barnes and Noble
Genre – Romantic Suspense
Rating – PG13
More details about the author & the book
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