Saturday, January 11, 2014

Patricia Sands – Women & Friendship @Patricia_Sands

Women & Friendship
by Patricia Sands
As long as we are living, no matter when or where,
If you should ever need me, just call and I’ll be there.
I’ll climb a thousand mountains and swim a thousand seas.
Anything to be there, because you’re always there for me.
Those are a few lines from a poem by “anonymous” that I came across one day and they really struck a chord. Women who share a true friendship live those words without even thinking about them. I know many who do and feel blessed to have such friends.
No doubt every woman has her own unique take on the secret to having or being a good friend. To some, it’s the women who are there for us at a very important time our life or who simply offer support and companionship in our routine life. To others, it’s the lifelong friends who have become more our family than ‘just friends.’ To others still, it may be those who have taught us great lessons or inspired us to reach our dreams.
As well as some steadfast BFF’s I also have a group of girlfriends that has shared friendship for over 45 years. There are ten of us in what we laughingly call The Bridge Club because, to be honest, cards have not played the most important role in our lives although we do enjoy the game.
Although we are all the same age, give or take one year, that is about all we physically have in common. We have very diverse personalities, sizes, shapes, hairstyles, careers, bank accounts, and families. Yet at the same time, we are one. That ‘one-ness’ rests in our hearts and minds. It shows itself in our values.
We share a history filled with memories that range from deliriously happy to devastatingly sad and encompass everything in between. It’s been quite a ride; made all the more meaningful by knowing each one of us was “there” for whatever we needed. It hasn’t always been everyone responding at the same time but rather whoever had the best to offer the situation. No matter what, we were all in the loop and ready to bring what we could.
Even though some of us are separated geographically now, we keep in touch regularly. Six of us still get together often and we plan reunions with the others when we can. For the past twenty years, we have held a major birthday celebration for a week every five years and it’s a given that we will laugh way too much!
This much we know: whether you are 15 or 85, a girlfriend is a girlfriend through and through. Age is no barrier.
The most important lesson we have learned from each other? To have a good friend, you must be a good friend. How do you feel about your friendships? Do your let your friends know how much they mean to you? Celebrate!
Samples to Savor: Book Club Picks, presented by Her Books:
Discover your book club’s next page-turner and spark fascinating conversations with your friends in this free sampling from eight bestselling authors. You’ll find rich prose, evocative plots, compelling characters and surprising twists from:
Finding Emma by Steena Holmes
Composing Myself by Elena Aitken
Spare Change by Bette Lee Crosby
The Scandalous Ward by Karla Darcy
The Tree of Everlasting Knowledge by Christine Nolfi
The Promise of Provence by Patricia Sands
Broken Pieces by Rachel Thompson
Depraved Heart by Kathleen Valentine
About the Author(s):
Bestselling authors Steena Holmes, Elena Aitken, Rachel Thompson, Patricia Sands, Christine Nolfi, Kathleen Valentine, Bette Lee Crosby and Karla Darcy provide readers worldwide with contemporary fiction and nonfiction releases ranging from historical romance to literary.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre –  Women’s Fiction
Rating – PG
Connect with the authors on Faceboook

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